
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Sinful Mess :P

Whole wheat cinnamon buns in the making! 

The dough was made with freshly ground whole wheat flour, and the ooey, gooey filling was butter & honey with a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice. I love anything with a blend of these 3 spices! 

And, ta-da! Fresh out of the oven. :) Want one? Oh, how I wish I could share the soothing aroma that filled the house when these were baking!!! 

After a 3 and a quarter mile run Monday morning, I had a turnip green smoothie for breakfast. :) Yum, yum! 

So this is a sneak peak into the photo album from the recent birth I attended last month. I put this book together for the mother as a special keep sake that I hope she will really enjoy for years to come. :) Anyone want to guess how many pictures I took in total ? ? ? 

A friend from out of state is here for a visit and since she's considering pursuing midwifery the timing couldn't have been more perfect to drop off this photo album to the mother. The three of us sat and talked for close to 2 hours! (and of course, we had to hold the baby)!!! My friend and I started laughing when we got back in the car the glanced at the clock. Wow. Where did the time go?! Those are the best times. :-) 

So, the week is off to a fantastic start! You know, I was thinking about that recently. What defines a "fantastic start"? Is this a "feeling"? or, getting a lot of stuff done? or what? What is it for you?

Enjoy the rest of your day! I'm headed to a Stampin' Up! party this evening - should be fun! 


PS: Check out this link for inspiration and encouragement with your running goals! :)


  1. Those whole wheat cinnamon buns look amazing!!! I can almost smell them from here lol! Have fun at your party tonight...I love Stampin' Up!!!

  2. those cinnamon buns look sooooo good! hahaha oh i love when a week starts and finishes grand! i wish all 52 of them could be that way! may you have more.

  3. those cinnamon buns look scrumptious! YUM!

    - lauren

  4. Can't wait to make the cinnamon buns! Thanks for the recipe.

  5. i like your take on cinnamon buns, katherine--they're my absolute favorite treat, and you've made them a bit less guilt-inducing. :)


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