
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cheribundi Tart Cherry Juice Review & Giveaway

I couldn't think of a better way to end the weekend than with a giveaway for all of my sweet readers! I was contacted by Cheribundi and they sent me a box of samples, asking me to do a review on some of their fabulous products!

They are also offering a box of 12, 8-oz tart cherry juices (multiple flavors!) to one Real Food Runner blog reader! But first, a review. :-)

I learned something new today - cherries are considered a superfood! Why? Because they're packed with phytonutrients, and tons of vitamins and minerals. I was surprised to discover cherries contain 19x the amount of vitamin A compared to blueberries and strawberries!

Each bottle of Cheribundi contains the juice from 45-50 cherries.

I was happiest with the ingredient list on the TruCherry because it contains only 2 ingredients: tart cherry juice, apple juice (from concentrate). Amazing! I especially like how this one tastes. The tartness from the cherries makes it different than most fruit juices which is fun. :) 

They even have a protein version! This one has the most ingredients (14 total) and also contains milk, but tastes great!

Ginger is a great addition to help keep our immune systems good and strong!

I'm a big fan of cacao so I'm looking forward to giving this one a try! The ingredients on this Cheribundi are: tart cherry juice, apple juice, sugar, water, cocoa powder, natural flavor and lactic acid. I think this is the only Cheribundi that contains added sugar. 

To enter the Cheribundi Giveaway:

#2 - Leave a comment on this post telling me which Cheribundi flavor you are most interest in and why. {Also leave your contact info so I know how to get in touch with you if you win :-) }

#3 - Comment on the Real Food Runner FB page - telling me what health food you would like to see reviewed next. :) 

That's it! You're entered for a chance to win a box full of 12, 8-oz Cheribundi cherry juices!

The winner will be announced next weekend, August 24th. Be sure to check back then to see if you're the winner!!! 

I tried dandelion greens in my smoothie for the first time today! A great choice for detoxing and cleansing. :) 

I went for a 3 mile run this morning after a quick cleaning spree which felt wonderful. Prep for house guests is great motivation to get on top of those cabinets and clean out those closets!

Have a "cherry" weekend!


  1. Nothing like house guests to motivate me to clean as well!
    The type of Cheribundi I would most like to try is Tru Cherry. I love fresh cherries so I think I would enjoy the juice. I also went to facebook and "liked" your page and Cheribundis :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. This sounds good. The cherry is not too tart? I think I would be interested in trying the ginger cherry. Maybe would be good added to the dandelion green smoothie? I've added those to my smoothies before but find the leaves quite strong.

  3. Oh and p.s. the skinny cherry looks amazing!

  4. Yum I'm going to have to try them! :) Your blog is awesome-just became a member/follower of your blog. I hope you'll follow me back and we can keep in touch. Happy Blogging!!! 

Elle xoxo 

  5. I liked them on facebook! I've never seen this product before, but sounds delicious. I'd love to try the cacao cherry or ginger. Both sound yum! As for health foods to review - I'm not sure, maybe other "new" health snacks.

    I also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for an award. I truly enjoy reading your posts and look forward to continue reading future posts. For more info on the award, just visit my site - Congrats!

  6. I liked them on FB! I've honestly never heard of this product but from what I see it is wonderful! I love cherry flavors so I know they are going to be delicious!

  7. I like them on FB.

  8. Would totally love to try the skinny cherry or cacao cherry.
    cereza25 at yahoo dot com

  9. I would love to try the ginger cherry juice!

    FB name - Marielle Perez

  10. i am and inside Cheribundi I would most like to try is Tru Cherry:)

  11. Nice blog, follow each other?

  12. Cacao cherry sounds good. And I agree I love having house guests because it gets me off my butt and clean the house like it really should be cleaned! I went for a 3 mile bike ride today after ages (we just bought a cycle this friday) and I am soo pooped since a lot of the ride was uphill (coming downhill was fun though). I run about 3 miles every other day, but I never knew cycling could be soooo tough! I would have loved one of these drinks after the ride! Liked cheribundi on facebook.


  13. I would like to try them all, looks tasty.

  14. I've already had (and love) Tru Cherry, but the Cacao Cherry also sounds yummy!

  15. I like Cheribundi on Facebook

  16. I love cherries and ginger is great for my digestion so Ginger Cherry gets my vote!

  17. I am a Facebook fan of Cheribundi!

  18. I am a Facebook fan of Cheribundi!

  19. I would like to try the Ginger Cherry as that sounds like a very unique combo and would be a good stomach soother since ginger is good for that too!

  20. Like sponsor on fb as colleen busch chaselhoff at usa dot net

  21. The tart cherry sounds amazing and so refreshing. chaselhoff at usa dot net

  22. Left a comment on your fb page.!/permalink.php?story_fbid=274291526017710&id=212239265556270 chaselhoff at usa dot net

  23. I lked them on FB!

    shankyouverymuch11 at yahoo dot com

  24. I would like to try Tru Cherry.

    shankyouverymuch11 at yahoo dot com

  25. Liked them on Facebook!
    I would love to try the Cacao Cherry. Sounds yummy, anything with Cocoa Powder will always get my vote ;)

    Also commented on your facebook page.

    suzp1168 at yahoo dot com

  26. Thanks for visiting my blog! I am interested in the Ginger Cherry - I love ginger, its health benefits, and sounds like quite the combination! You can get in touch with me via my blog, or email me at There is no particular food I would like to see, but I'm always looking for fresh recipes that are easy and quick to prepare - if you have any ideas!

  27. Oh my goodness, I have never come across these Cheribundi juices before, they look deliscious (and the bottles look so cute!) Ive only ever tried beetroot juice shots (which I added to a smoothie and also porridge - yum!). I'd most like to try the Tru Cherry. Im so addicted to ANYTHING cherry at the moment so I think these juices would really hit the spot!

    ( - or via my blog!)

    =] Happy Friday!

  28. My favorite of the Cheribundi juices so far is the Skinny Cherry. It tastes like cherry pie. The only one I haven't tried yet is the Tru Cherry. I'm sure I'll like that one too. I've been mixing the other flavors in my smoothies in the tasty. Thanks again for having the contest and choosing me as a winner.

  29. As a result, many researchers have moved towards the benefits of tart cherry juice to relieve such pains in the joint. This is because many find the fruit to offer natural healing properties. tart cherry


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