
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Soak Up the Sun

I took my stretching regime outside both yesterday and today because the weather was so perfect I couldn't stay inside! It's been in the 80s here of late, making me super exciting about fall. :-)

These are my grandparents. I think they make such a handsome couple! Don't you agree? I had lunch with them yesterday and decided to snap their picture :) 

This salad bar had lots of great toppings: boiled eggs, cucumber, tomatoes, onions, and olives :)

"Action" shot!

I seem to always learn something when I spend time with this dynamic couple. To say the least, I love these two SO much! Did I mention my grandfather is 81 and an avid Apple fan? He was just telling me how his iPad has completely replaced his day timer. Way to go, Pap!

I partnered with my mom last night to make a vegetarian bean soup for supper. The current cool evenings are perfect for this kind of food!

Of course, when there's leftover birthday cake in the house it's criminal not to eat it - right?! Right. Plus, we have this "rule" in our family. The day after the birthday all the cake reverts back to the baker, and it in this case - that's me :P Just something silly that we through around, it's not serious or anything, at least most of the time . . .

Actually, I thought this cake tasted much better today (it's 2nd day). In my experience, most cakes are like this. It's like they need "marinate" a little to be at their peak. :)

I really enjoyed my run this morning! It had been a while since I'd gone 4 miles straight so it felt good :)

Get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather, if you can! I'd better scoot, dinner date tonight with friends :-) 

What's the weather like where you live?


  1. Sounds like a great, love-filled day! Your grandparents seem like amazing people. Spend as much time with them as possible :)
    Love the pictures! The sunshine looks gorgeous.

  2. What a wonderful day, your Grandparents look amazing! Such a cute couple! Hope you had a great date with friends! Have a fabulous week!

  3. Love your blog-such a fun post, makes me hungry looking at all that yummy food!! :) xx.

  4. The weather where I am (the DC area) is PERFECT. It is mid 70s and beautiful every day. I love running in it.

  5. I live in the Caribbean so no need you ask what the weather is like. I posted some pics of the skies over me last week, so drop by to catch them. Your Granpa is an Apple fan...WOW that's great. They are adorable.

    Lisa x


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