
Sunday, September 9, 2012

We Made It! Recipe #7 - Banana Pineapple Green Smoothie + A Berry Good GS

green smoothies

Congrats and "great job!" to all of you 7-Day Green Smoothie Challenger participants! It's day 7 of 7!!! And, for the rest of my readers - thank you for supporting us and we'd love for you to join us next time!!! I'll try and give more of a heads up for the next challenge. I got tons of e-mails with lots of enthusiasm but saying schedules were tight so I'll try and project for ya a little more next go around :-)

bible study

Church was this morning and the sermon was taught from Isaiah. I am very thankful to have a church that teaches and preaches expositionally, straight from the Word of God! What spiritual truths were you reminded of today?

Okay, so my green smoothie for today was easy peasy - actually I have two recipes for you. :) I thought since it was the last day we'd go out with a bang. :P

pineapple gren smoothie

This morning I mixed together a banana pineapple green smoothie before leaving for church. It was SO delicious! Actually, it was my first experience adding pineapple to a green smoothie. :)

banana green smoothie

I enjoyed a few ounces of this succulent smoothie, but shared it with the fam because I was afraid I might be put into a tail spin with all of that fruit sugar! I loved how distinct the pineapple taste was.

Banana Pineapple Green Smoothie
1 cup fresh pineapple
3/4 banana
2-4 cups spinach
8 oz water
1-2 cup ice

{Recipe credit: Rawmazing}

Then, this evening I decided upon a Berry Good Green Smoothie. :) Remember, green smoothies don't have to be the color green! You'll notice this if you add pretty much any kind of berry to the mix.

berry green smoothie

Berry Good Green Smoothie
8oz almond milk
1 cup frozen berry mix (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries)
2 cups spinach
1 cup ice

healthy peach cobbler

This week, a friend brought by the house a whole box of fresh peaches! Wow. There is no way we can possibly eat all of these fast enough! With that in mind - they'll be great to toss in the freezer after peeling and slicing for tasty additions to future green smoothies. :)

Okay, time for a funny story . . .  :P This morning I was rummaging around through the freezer trying to find an ice pack for my snack cooler when I found this plastic bag filled with something shaped like a banana, but looked like chicken. "What is THIS?" I stared at it for a moment and then it dawned on me. "Yew!!!". You probably will laugh your head off when I tell you that, yes - it was a chicken neck.  Apparently, the last time my bros processed a batch of free range chickens they wanted all of their hard work to go to good use - even those chicken necks! Sorry, but I'm not volunteering to roast that . . . And, I'll be sure to be a vegetarian for that meal :P Appreciate your thriftiness, though, guys! It's the heart that counts . . .

Well, I hope you all are enjoying a restful Sunday, spending time in God's Word, and recharging for the projected week. The weather is absolutely gorgeous here and I was able to spend some time outside this afternoon enjoying it. :) A bright blue sky, decorated with puffy white clouds and a shining sun makes me smile!

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for hosting this challenge. It was a great learning experience and I look forward to making green smoothies more often now :)


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