
Friday, September 7, 2012

Sprouts, Spinach & Carrots . . . GSC Day 5 of 7 and an EngeryBit Winner

natural ingredients

I put sprouts, spinach and a huge carrot in my green smoothie today. :)

spinach smoothie

Topped that off with vegan protein powder (I supplement because I don't eat a lot of meat), chia seeds, frozen fruit, and water for liquid; plus 1-2 cups of ice since I was after that super creamy consistency. Delish! 

green smoothie

I shared the recipe with my sister and we both loved it! Green smoothies are fantastic because you can be so flexible with them - whatever fresh goodness you have in your fridge or freezer typically makes a great additive. :-) 

3 mile run

I went running for my workout this morning. I'm working on varying my speed versus just running at the same speed for the entire run. It's fun, but I have to give it credit - it's harder. :P It can definitely tell that I get more for my time when I do this, though, so it's absolutely worth it!

vegan burrito bowl

Lunch was wholesome and filling. Using up leftovers from last night :)

brown rice
{The less you cook your veggies the more nutrients they retain :) }

Speaking of last night's dinner, we ended up making a stir-fry (amazing!) instead of the burrito bowls because we didn't have enough salsa and you have to have salsa with just about anything Mexican style. Right? It was okay, though because this veggie medley topped with a serving of beef was perfect. :)

energy bits giveaway

As promised, we have a winner for the EnergyBit giveaway! I will be e-mailing you (the winner) shortly to get your address to pass your address along to the EnergyBit company and they will send you your free sample!

The afternoon was super busy, and a lot of fun!!! It's now almost 9pm and I haven't had anything to eat since lunch so I'm STARVED! Going to eat, a lot. now. :P Hoping to be able to curl up on the couch sometime this weekend with a comfy blanket & popcorn to watch The Sound of Music (love this movie!) with my sisters. I have no doubt there will be some ranting and raving over Julie Andrew's vocal abilities. :) Incredible. What are your plans for the weekend?


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