
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Saturday's Smoothie (Green)

green smoothie

I used spinach in my green for today's smoothie. This stuff was really tasty! I used a mostly water as my liquid with a little of this cultured coconut milk for probiotics. Strawberries and banana are a great for a duo natural sweetener. :)

spinach smoothie

I think one of my favorite healthy smoothie thick-ner (is that a word?) is chia seeds. When put in liquid they expand and soak up 

local race

On the way to meet our health-food coop this morning, I passed this. Ahh!!!!!!!!!!!!! {A million times over}. How did I miss hearing about this local race?! I would have been there sweating up a storm with everybody else and it would have been SO much fun . . . Next time! The next one I know about is all the way in November. {sigh} But, definitely planning to do the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day! Something to look forward to :) What upcoming races are you excited about?

garden salad

For lunch, I made a salad and served it with a Bubbie's fermented pickle and a side of multi-grain sea salt chips. 

I recently found this amazing version of "Climb Every Mountain" from a contestant that performed a couple years back in Holland's Idol show. The first part's good (the song), but skip the end where they start speaking in Dutch - unless you know Dutch, of course :P  

And, just to make you smile - I tried to find a clip of "I Have Confidence", but I couldn't find a video clip :( Obviously, The Sound of Music is something that's been on my mind lately :-) In my opinion, some of the lyrics to this particular song are somewhat are misleading in that we can't trust our hearts to lead us on right path (Jer 17:9), but we can 100% trust God's Word. I love the enthusiasm and passion portrayed in this song, though! You can go here to listen to it :) 

Tomorrow is the last day of the 7-Day Green Smoothie Challenge! How's it going? What has been the hardest part?, What has been best? I'm lovin' doing this with all of y'all!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I needed a good recipe for a green smoothie. This looks yum- thanks Katherine!


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