
Monday, September 24, 2012

Welcome Week

I feel refreshed and invigorated! Don't you just love those weekends that propel you into the coming week?! And, I'm so excited about this wonderful fall weather at the moment - you'd think I was a little girl at Christmas time! 

My day was kicked off bright and early w/ time with God, reading my Bible and prayer. My day seems to go much better when it's started right! After devotions, it was onto my workout before breakfast. I ran for 25 minutes and covered 2.8 miles. Getting better but still a ways to go. :) 

This pic is from Saturday's supper. It was so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fresh lettuce leaves with carrot shavings, homemade BBQ chicken, and a zucchini/onion medley. 

There are still plenty of apples laying around here and it would be impossible to eat them all! With that in mind, all sorts delicious tempting desserts are being dish up. :P Apple crisp was a recent luxury- ah, yum!

Saturday I made a quadruple recipe of pumpkin muffins. I know that sounds like a lot, but I promise - they weren't all for me. :P A dear friend just had a baby and healthy food makes a great gift so I sent some to her. I also made some for my grandma, gave some more away to another friend and figured the rest would make quick & easy options for breakfasts this week.

Sunday evening we let our hair down and made pizzas. :)

I put mushrooms on my sandwich today, along w/ tomato, red onion and some organic leafy lettuce. Yum!

It was SO refreshing! One of the best lunches ever - I need to do this one again! This afternoon felt very productive; I always love it when I get that feeling. :-)

Once I got home from work, I was itching to go outside but made myself practice music, first. Not that I don't love music too (I absolutely do!), but the beautiful outdoor weather was calling my name today. :) Thankfully, I got to spend some time out on the farm right before dinner enjoying it! The temp here is perfecto!!! I know I would say I wish it was like this all the time, but then I probably wouldn't appreciate it so I'm glad for the variety the different seasons bring. :)

Supper this evening was delish! A bean soup with a side of freshly baked muffins. Thanks, Mom!

I've still a few things to finish up before I hit the sack in a couple of hrs so I'd better scoot. I hope you've all enjoyed a wonderful day!  See you soon. :) Stay tuned for another giveaway coming up soon (hopefully later this wk)!


  1. Every single thing you made looks delicious! I am jealous - I wish I had this much time to cook right now!

  2. I agree, those pizzas look great!
    Love everything you post.
    I'm your newest follower.
    I hope you can come visit me at
    Glad I found your blog.


  3. Those pizzas look AMAZING :)

    you have the most beautiful food photos!


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