
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I love life! Naturally - I love it when it's smooth sailing, but I'm learning to be grateful for the tough times as well because I am confident God will bring something good out of every challenge. 

{pic from last year working with my cousin on THIS project}

Perspective is so important. I could be down at the moment, but I'm praising God that I'm not! Totally out of my control, scary life situation going on at the moment-- He gives the strength to look forward. If you had told me the past wk's events would be today's reality this time last year - I would have told you you had the wrong address. I'm hesitant to share too much since this is a public blog, but let's just say it was an intense week. 

A friend read me this quote today (I think it's Corrie Ten Boone- paraphrased) and it is so uplifting! 

"Worry does not solve tomorrow's problems, it empties today of it's strength."

And, then this quote reminds me of one of my favorite phrases from the book of Isaiah: "Fear not - there is nothing to fear!" and then the rest of the verse goes on to say, 

"...for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My (victorious) right hand of rightness and justice." 

What are your favorite life quotes?

I threw together a spinach salad with organic tomatoes and purple cabbage to take to the office for lunch. :)

My sister bought me a treat - a kombucha drink! If it weren't for the price tag, I could definitely be addicted to these things! Kristen picked me out the multi-green flavor (can't imagine how in the world she knew I like greens . . . :P) This one had both spirulina and chlorella in it, too.

I went straight from work to a birthday party this evening. :) So fun!!! Um . . . yeah - this homemade chocolate cake was AMAZING!

For lunch today, a nutrition packed salad w/ an oil based dressing, apple slices w/ sun butter, and 2 carrots dipped in hummus made up the plate. :)

I worked out yesterday - slightly sore but not too bad :P A 3 mile run is the list for tomorrow! So, this post begs the question - What are you most grateful for in your life today? 


  1. I always do a thankful thursday post (partly because alliteration is oh so much fun.) This week I am thankful for good health. Esther Norine Designs

  2. Love the Isaiah verse, so uplifting :) and I just came across that worry quote on Pinterest. It really is crazy how much we worry. It's totally not needed! God has our lives under his control! I really enjoy Psalm 46. BE STILL and know that he is God :)Okay, i am all over the place in this comment, so I guess I'll just keep it that way by saying your healthy meals inspire me, and I admire how you live a little and indulge at birthday parties. How women stick to clean eating ALL the time is beyond me. I don't know about you, but I LOVE sweets! Good for you girl :)

  3. Is the kombucha actually tasty? I have yet to work up the nerve to try it!

  4. My daughter, family, boyfriend and friends first and foremost. Always. Secondly, for my running:-)


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