
Friday, October 5, 2012

Peanut Butter Cups

This has got to be one of the most fun (and delicious!) recipes - ever! I'm a chocolate lover (what girl isn't?!) so this just seemed "natural". :P

I'm taking advantage of the fall season and using tons of pumpkin. :) Pumpkin is great because it's high in fiber and low in fat.

There's ground nutmeg for spice in this recipe. :) 

You're getting antibacterial properties with this that helps to fight against bad breath. Check your toothpaste - you might be surprised to see that nutmeg is sometimes used as an ingredient. Nutmeg can be effective in fighting the bad bacteria that can build up in the mouth as a result of an imbalanced gut! 

Filling the cups with the delicious peanut butter/pumpkin mixture!


2 cups dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup pumpkin
2 tablespoons honey
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg

(be sure to have some mini muffin tins and papers on hand)


  1. Melt the chocolate on low heat over the stove. Line the mini muffin tin papers w/ about 1 - 1/2 tsp of the melted chocolate. Be sure the "paint" the chocolate on the sides of the paper and giving it a sturdy base. 
  2. Stick your chocolate muffin pan in the refrigerator to let the chocolate harder while you mix up the filling.
  3. Taste the filling to be sure it's spiced to your liking.
  4. Once chocolate is set, fill the middle w/ the pumpkin & peanut butter mixture - try to avoid the edges.
  5. Remelt the left over chocolate if necessary and top the pumpkin mixture off.
  6. Freeze until hard. 
  7. Enjoy!
This recipe is supposed to yield 2 dozen but I got closer to 15 out of it. I guess it depends on what size you end up making them :-) They're yummy!!! 

{Recipe credit goes to Domestic Fit}

I am very happy with the end rsesult!!!! It's fun to make a traditional candy (Reeses peanut butter cups} into something just a little but healthier. :-)

And, since it's Friday - we have 3 winners for the So Delicious Dairy-Free coupons!!!!

Thanks everyone for participating in the So Delicious giveaway. :-) I hope you enjoy these peanut butter cups and have a great wk-end!


  1. Oh my wow! The peanut butter cups look amazing! I will be making those very soon!

  2. I need to try this recipe! And thanks for the giveaway! So happy I won because I looooove their ice cream! :)

    1. So glad you won, Jovan!And, yes - these PB cups are to die for! :-)

  3. These look delish and I have all the ingredients. I must make them. Thank you also for picking me as one of the So Delicious winners! :-)

    1. Happy that you won, Athena! You'll have to let me know what So Delicious treat you pick out with your coupon :)

  4. Mmmm that looks dang good...we just made pumpkin bread, snicker doodles, and pumpkin scones tonight...tis the season!

  5. Woah girl those look amazing!!! I love love love reeces peanut butter cups and I have been putting pumpkin in everything lately so I can't wait to try these!

    1. Thanks, Lauren! Let me know how you like them :-)

  6. This looks incredible! I think I'll have to try these for our election party :)

    1. Fantastic idea - let me know if everyone likes them!


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