
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday Traditions

This is one of my all time favorite things to do during the holiday season --- making Christmas goodies for friends & family!

Yum-ness. :)

Just for fun, here's a little collage of the process. :P

{If you want the recipe, e-mail at and I'll send it to you!}

Mailing off Christmas cards is so fun!

I made some more cookies this afternoon. Makes the house smell all nice & festive!

Totally off the subject, but speaking of this afternoon - as I was going out to feed my horse I ran across a pile of bones. It was so sad - and a little scary (!) to think that coyotes did this to one of the farm calves. Pack animals can be vicious and some preventative measure has got to happen soon before these dogs get another cow. Anyone have experience or suggestions to help with this?

Ok, so back to the cookies! I think this is the best part . . .  ribbons galore, cute little boxes & old fashioned tins!

Mom & I went Christmas shopping together this morning. :) 

Buying gift is fun but just the shopping "experience" with a good friend or family member + getting in the "spirit" of things is 1/2 of tha' fun for me! What about you? 

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Do you have holiday traditions? If so, what are they? 


  1. what lovely pics! I wish I had time to do all this amazing stuff! Lovely!

  2. I have to tell you that this was a really cute post to read (and pictures to see). It got me more in the spirit! Fun times. Happy Friday!


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