
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cloudy Skies but a Sunny Heart

Yesterday was a cloudy day but my heart was far from it. It was one of the best days. ever! Why? Umm, right - I'm supposed to be telling you. :) I could be vague but I already spilled here so I'll share the FANTASTIC news simply because I can't contain my joy!!!

We just received a great report back from the doctor on my mom. Thank you, dear Jesus, for healing!!!

I don't think I realized how anxious and uptight I was just waiting for the test results to come back. When you consider how much the future depended on this, though- it's understandable. I've both dreaded and look forward to this moment so it's a relief that it's finally here. I'm thankful!

This may sound strange, but I feel a physical release of tension in my body. I think I am more relaxed right now than I have been in a long while.

Do you ever find that you don't fully realize the intensity of a moment until after the fact - you're out of it,  and looking back think "wow, that was pretty scary!"?

I just have to say - my mom is so strong. Should I repeat that? There isn't an adequate way to describe  the strength, dignity and sheer determination she's brought to this fight. I've watched her not just survive an incredibly intense physical battle I've seen her thrive. I love you, Momma - no one compares in my mind!

Prayers for continued health are appreciated! And, I want to know - how do you process stress and those big moments in life? Have any of my readers been personally affected by the "c" word? 

The majority of the day for me was spent in the doctor's office waiting for the detailed report. :-) Time passes quickly when you recall good memories, talk about future plans and also laugh. Yes! Laughing is one of the best medicines!!!! Be sure to do some of it each and everyday for optimal health. :)

My dad dropped Mom & I off at the door for the appointment before parking the car, and mom led the way - heading straight for the stairs, walking right past the elevator. But, that's what I love about her! It's not like she really thinks about it - it's just who she is. A fighter, a "stair climber" (if you get my meaning :). It's also an incredible testimony to Jehovah Rapha (the God who heals) - after 3 major surgeries and 14 chemo rounds later (in just 15 months) it's pretty unusual to see a patient bounding up flights of stairs to meet her doctor!

Ok, now onto some things that absolutely do not matter - wonderful, trivial things in life that make this blog interesting. :P I don't think that last sentence made much sense at all . . . lol!

This was a portabella mushroom sandwich from lunch on Monday. :) I like to use mushrooms as a meat sub on sandwiches. :) I don't know of anyone else who does this so if you do - I want to meet you! :P

I made French toast for supper last night. Yum, yum!

Juicing this morning. :)

Lunch was a new recipe that I made up. :) A sun dried tomato basil wrap spread with mayo and piled high with organic spring mix salad. Toss a little chunky salsa on it and drizzle with a little Ranch dressing and you've got a quick and easy meal!

What did your day look like? I hope it was a good one!


  1. Glad to hear such positive things about your Mom and everything she's going through right now. Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. :)
    -Michelle @ Eat Move Balance

  2. I'm so happy to hear that you've had such great news about your Mom. (And your food looks delicious as always! Sending love Xx

  3. hey, i really like your blog.
    you want to follow each other via gfc and bloglovin ?
    i would be happy :)

    lovely greetings

  4. Thanks, my Spring slim down is doing ok..gym is always on my list, so now it´s just up to eating habits.
    Do you have a good idea for healthy food (including meat) that doesn´t require much work? I don´t like cooking at all but always eating out isn´t helping either....

  5. Looks yummy!!

  6. Thanks, guys! You're so sweet. :)

    Hi Jezz - I just left a comment with a link on your blog - let me know if this is what you're looking for!


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