
Friday, January 18, 2013

Fresh Friday - Wk 11

#1 - my mom!
#2 - 1,000 gifts (if you want to know how gratitude can revolutionize your life - you need to read this book.}
#3 - cozy den fires. :)

Tell me your's! {If you're looking for a button - click here!}

Happy Friday, folks! Enjoy this beautiful clip from Muriel Anderson! To me, it's a song with incredibly powerful lyrics that speak to the hard parts of life - looking forward to the bright future that we must focus on! I have to say it both ministersto my soul and also gives me that "exciting" feeling on the inside. You know that feeling of "something great is about to happen"? That kind a feelin'. :)

So, what is life- "a celebration of grace"? "a dare to fully live where you are, right where you are" ? I think so. :) Tell me your thoughts! 

"To live is to build a beautiful thing . . . "


  1. There is nothing better than a cozy fire - love that!

    Pearls & Paws

  2. I just started reading this book last night! I've heard so many good things:)

  3. That book looks great - thanks for sharing!

  4. Really, Ally? That's neat - we'll have to compared thoughts. :)


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