
Friday, January 11, 2013

Fresh Friday Link-Up :)

#1 - brahms scherzo in e flat minor. i think I'm in love :)
#2 - connecting with other health foodies during the green smoothie challenge
#3 - warm winter weather

On a side note (which relates to #1:), I am so pumped from yesterday's piano lesson!

You know those things you work really hard for and then how exciting it is to see them take shape? I think I've practice piano more this week than my whole life put together! :P Ok, slight exaggeration but you get the point . . . lol! In recent days there have times when I thought my arms would fall off because of the crazy intense chords. :) Anyone else a classical pianist? 

What top 3 made your week fresh & fantastic? {If you don't have a blog just participate in the comments form!}


  1. I'm not longer a classical pianist, but I played from the time I was 5 until I was 16. Then I decided to concentrate on the violin instead. :) Happy Friday! Can't wait to make some smoothies this weekend, since I'll be home!

    -Michelle @ Eat Move Balance

  2. I love the piano but my left hand and right hand don't work well together :) I can play Heart and Soul and that's about it!

  3. @ Michelle - have fun with those smoothies!

    @ Sally - I can relate- that's why i'm practicing so much at the moment. :P trying to get ready for a competition!

  4. Need to comment on that one, too: I start missing my piano when reading this post... I needed to sell it before I moved abroad :-( But played during my childhood/adolescence for some years. Never made it to a brahms scherzo, though. Sounds great. Spot on with your piano practicing motivation :-)

  5. I love smoothies, I recently have become interested in juices! I bet you are wonderful on the piano! Have a great wknd!

  6. Thanks for stopping by, I grabbed your button and placed it on my sidebar!

  7. Thanks, Caroline - you're so sweet :)

  8. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog because now I found yours. It's great!!!


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