
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

70 Degrees in January

It's was so beautiful outside today. With the sun shining and almost 70 degree weather I thought this called for a happy dance!  :PI know, crazy for January- especially when I keep wishing it would snow and turn into a blizzard! But, what is it they say? Make hay while the sun shines and be grateful for what you've got!

I took a break about 1 o'clock for lunch: Organic salad topped with freshly grated carrots, sprouts and  banana slices with sunflower butter on the side. :) How are you healthy lunch aspirations for 2013 coming so far? 

Yesterday's lunch was inspired by Monday's visit to Chipotle. :)

I keep getting positive feedback on the recent green smoothie challenge so I have to share with you guys!
Hearing back from my readers makes me happy! {Does healthy eating make you feel better? I want to know! Comment and tell me or shoot me an e-mail to share your story} 

I thought you would enjoy these quotes from last week's green smoothie challenge! :-)

I started to write this post earlier this afternoon but was feeling rather uninspired. I'm back, though! :P With that in mind - I want to know what you do when you need inspiration. Do you leave it alone and come back later? Muscle through? Scream? Laugh? Party? What?! I can say I've done all those . . . lol!


  1. 70? Like really 70? That is awesome...enjoy it...

  2. Aww thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! I am a big fan of your blog, I had a green smoothie today with spinach, you inspired me!! And it actually tasted quite nice! :) xx

  3. @ Ed - For real. :) I know - crazy, wonderful weather!

    @ Abi - you bet, girl! Aw, thanks for letting me know. :) So glad that you tried one and like it! Keep me posted!

  4. I have been having spinach with my lunch every day this week! Whether as a salad, a sandwich topping or a smoothie.
    From this Missouri girl, 70* in January doesn't sound too crazy, but I definitely agree that it won't last long so live it up while you can :)

    Don't forget my Let's Be Friends Link-Up!

  5. All the food here looks great. I'm going to make it a point to make a smoothie soon, maybe tonight since I have mangos.

    Can't wait to come back for more good food inspiration

    sherry @ I am Pisces

  6. @ Sally - That's great! Salad are so refreshing :) I saw your new link-up! Thanks for the e-vite. :-) Sounds like fun!

    @ Sherry - Thanks, Sherry! Let me know how your green smoothie goes. :)

  7. I have never paired bananas with a green salad but I now must do so. This looks delicious. I am officially in love with your blog. What wonderful inspiration on healthy living. Xx. Mckenna lou


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