
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Green Smoothie Challenge: Day1! {Amazing Meal Giveaway}

Happy New Year, to all! As I wrote in my journal this morning it was super exciting to write a new date: Jan 1, 2013! 

Congrats to everyone who signed-up for the 7-Day Green Smoothie Challenge! It's the first step to finishing the challenge. :) You guys produced a great turn out which is so inspiring. If you haven't sign-up yet and want to participate - just comment on this post telling me you're in and I'll add you to the list!

The rules are simple. :) Just add 1 delicious green smoothie to your daily eats for the next 7 days!

Here are all the current participants: (I have a feeling there will be a few more who will want to jump in by the end of the day. :) 
  1. Katherine - Real Food Runner
  2. Andrea - Go Feast Yourself
  3. Michelle (& husband) Eat Move Balance
  4. Keyona - Skinny & Delicious 
  5. Steff - Sequin Remendy
  6. Addy - Six-Kick Switch
  7. Sherri
  8. Kels - K&K Test Kitchen
  9. Kayleigh - A Million Little Somethings
  10. Kat - Kat's Health Corner
  11. Abby - Seaweed and Sassafras
  12. Sara - You and Me Are We
  13. Ash - Southern Yankee Candle
  14. Katheryn - The Baker's Sheet
  15. Stephanie - McMania: Our Life As We Know It
  16. Sarah - (no) plain Vanilla Kitchen
  17. Andrea - Glam Hungry Mom
  18. Carmen
  19. Sarah - Forever God's Princess
  20. Laura 
  21. Sally - Forward From the Heart
  22. Katherine - Green Thickies
  23. Sadie - My Thoughts
  24. Bethann
  25. Christie 
  26. Katrina (+ husband and kids)
  27. Mariel - Mariel Moves
  28. Kristen - Change of Pace

This is my green smoothie for the day! Yummy, yum, yum! If you're looking for green smoothie recipes, I'd recommend one of these:

We're also kicking off this challenge with a fantastic giveaway sponsored by Amazing Grass. This company is graciously offering to 2 (30 serving) Amazing Meal green superfood - a $70 value each!!! There will be 2 winners & I'll announce them on Friday! Have at it. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. To continue to eat healthier, and exercise daily!! :D

    God bless,

  2. I blogged about it :

    :D God bless!

  3. I'm in! Add me to the list :) I love all foods green!

  4. One of my health goals is to cut way back on my sugar consumption. Thank you for the great giveaway and Happy New Year!

  5. @ Sally - I'll add ya, girl!

    @ Anne - That is a fantastic goal - I need to do that, too!

  6. I would love to join you on this challenge. I really need this at the moment. You can read why in my latest blog post 'Why I stopped drinking Green Smoothies'

  7. @ Katherine (Green Thickies) - adding you right now :) Love your site!

  8. One of my 2013 health goals would be to run a half marathon. I have my eye on one in May, but I'm not sure if that is too soon into the year but I plan on running more than I have in the last 2 months or so.

  9. I want to run a 10k and a half marathon in 2013. I also want to achieve crow pose in yoga.

  10. I blogged about it!

  11. Hi! I want in too! I just got back into drinking green smoothies and I think I just need a bit more incentive :)

  12. @ Sadie - Awesome. Glad you're joining us! I agree, it's always easier to do challenges with accountability. :)

  13. My 2013 goals are to sleep more and get to yoga at least 2x a week for mental and physical health :) Amazing giveaway.

  14. What a wonderful post!! Thanks so much for sharing it!

  15. My first goal is to figure out what I want/to better know myself, which I think will help me health-wise as well, and my second is to quit eating out so much!

  16. One of my goals is to try a new recipe every week. Just one, so I can handle that, right?!

  17. My goal is to generally live healthier - eating right and exercising! Love the idea of this challenge!


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