
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Irresistible Banana Bread

It's cold outside today! I went to feed my horse this morning and found the watering trough beautifully glazed over with a thin layer of ice. :)

With the weather so gorgeous and calling for something cozy, I remembered a banana bread recipe my friend Lauren had sent me that I've looked forward to trying.

Today was finally the perfect day!

The recipe she sent me was already a healthier version of banana bread, but I still made a few modifications and added a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Bananas are a great natural sweetener, providing you with lots vitamins and minerals. Bananas are best know for their potassium which helps to keep our blood oxygenated, regulating heartbeat rhythm and blood pressure. Very important!

{Don't forget to smash your bananas for this recipe. It makes the mixing just a little bit easier.}

The nutty batter! :p


  1. Move oven rack to low position so that tops of pans will be in center of oven.
  2. Preheat to 325 (honey can burn easily so you'll want a low temp).
  3. Grease loaf pans.
  4. Mix honey, applesauce and butter in large bowl.
  5. Stir in eggs until well blended.
  6. Add mashed bananas, buttermilk and vanilla extract, beating until smooth.
  7. Stir in flour, baking soda and salt just until moistened.
  8. Add nuts (optional).
  9. Pour the delightful mixture into your prepare pans (or muffin tins).
  10. Bake 30 to 1 hr for loaves or 15 - 30 minutes for muffins. 
  11. Cool completely before slicing.
  12. Wrap tightly and store at room temperature for up to 4 days (or refrigerate and they'll keep for up to 10 days!)

Fresh slices just baked. :)

{I hope everyone was finished reading the paper because it's retired now. he-he!}

How do you like your banana bread - cooked through and through, a little moist or gooey? 


  1. Ooooh I love this! The ingredient list is so simple!!

  2. Looks great! I will be trying this recipe soon, sans nuts, as we have an allergy.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love banana bread! This looks delicious!

  4. That looks amazing!! I will put it on my to-do list!!

  5. Your pics are looking great!. Keep it up buddy. Thanks for sharing these all with us and keep posting.... cavendish banana

  6. I made this yesterday and it was great. Mine came out moist and a little gooey which made it great trail food. I tried some during a run today and plan on using it to replace a lot of store bought trail bars.

  7. I was going to make this tonight, but was super bummed to find an error in the instructions. You say to mix the honey, applesauce, and BUTTER, but there is butter is not listed in the ingredients list. I'm disappointed as your pictures look wonderful! :/


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