
Monday, January 21, 2013

Salad Egg Scramble

This is a rather unusual dish. I mean, scrambled eggs on your salad?  Believe me, though - it's good! So simple, too. :)

Ok, to make - you will need:

2 eggs (or 1 egg, 1 egg white)
diced red onion (1-2 tablespoons) 
1 teaspoon coconut oil
mixed greens
fresh salsa
Ranch dressing

That's it! Just fry up the diced onion in the coconut oil before adding the eggs to your pan. Toss onto your salad plate, garnish with a little fresh salsa and use Ranch for your dressing.

The finished product!

The eggs added to the salad today were inspired by my attempts to get in some more protein. I'm not really a meat eater so if I'm not careful my diet can consists of just salads and carbs. he-he! Workin' on that. :p

Organic kale for the green smoothie today! Kale is one of those things that, if possible, you want to eat organic because it's subjected to high levels of pesticides. {Click here to learn more}

Just over a 3.5 mile run this morning. :) It was a slower run for me, but I was okay with that because my right leg was not happy with this run and felt more like a muscle strain. Did you workout today? If so, what did you do? 

I got outside for a few minutes mid-day. It's always a refreshing experience to look up at the sky! Wouldn't you say? :) 

My snack for the day. :p {Hopeless apple lover . . .} 

How's your wk coming so far? 

Tell me, have you ever eaten scrambled eggs on top of salad? 

Did anyone watch the inauguration? :) 


  1. this looks so good and healthy!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  2. I have! I have! :) I love it. I've also put over-easy eggs on top of my salad. So good!
    -Michelle @ Eat Move Balance

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Jayme & Mendi - Your blog is too cute!

    That's awesome, Michelle - good to know i'm not crazy - he!

  5. This is great for me!! Thanks for the hint!! Now, I just need to find something that also suits my "no greens" husband..he likes the typical man food..easy, meat, no greens...

  6. It looks great! I'll definitely be making this one..thank you! Keep Em coming! :)

  7. Thanks, Jenna! <3 your blog, btw. :-)

  8. Yum! Such a great idea!

  9. I love your pictures! You should get a "pin it" button so people can decorate their boards with your fab recipes! :)

  10. Aw, thanks Holly! Great idea - I'll have to do that :)

  11. hmm eggs on a salad- not so sure on that one tehe. But I'll give it a shot! I have eggs as often as I can for breakfast and it would be good to fit in some greens too!

    I watched the inauguration- it was awesome! Loved when Barack and Michelle were taking a kissing photo together! soo cute

  12. I put kale in my morning green smoothie!!

  13. P.S. I'm your 300th follower! ;)

  14. I noticed that Dana - thanks! Super excited :p Yeah for the green smoothie!

    Thanks, Heather!

  15. mmm i will try scrambled eggs over salad! looks delish! thanks for sharing!!

    i run in the morning too.. but i do it on a treadmill.. LAME haha

  16. It's so nice to get outside mid day and enjoy some sunshine! Those apples look awesome!

  17. Thanks for finding me and commenting on my blog :) Love finding new blogging friends!

    I've never had scrambled eggs on salad. Hard boiled, yes. Scrambled, no. But I'm willing to try nearly anything LOL.


  18. im hungry now lol

    I just posted my favorite products of 2012. What are yours?

    i would also appreciate it if you follow my blog too!

  19. The post title caught my attention and I had to come and visit. Looks so good and I really want to try the virgin coconut oil. Thanks for this super healthy recipe. And no I've never eaten scrambled on salad ;-) Yum!

  20. Such gorg photos I can not wait to make this! Thank you for the recipe!

  21. That looks amazing! I love eggs on salad but have never tried scrambling them for salad. Normally I boil or poach them. Can't wait to try it!


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