
Friday, January 4, 2013

It's Fresh Friday!!!

I'm super excited about this week's Fresh Friday since it's right in the middle of the 7-day Green Smoothie Challenge! Talk about somethin' "fresh". :)

#1 - bright blue skies!
#2 - Les Mis music *sigh*
#3 - succulent green smoothies :-) 

What are your's? Link-up and tell me! (if you don't have a blog, use the comment form below to participate. :)

*New (to me) green smoothie recipe coming up tomorrow!*


  1. I'm finally back and on board with the Green Smoothie Challenge! Yay! Have you seen the Les Miz movie version yet?

  2. Hi Addy! So glad you're back :) Looking forward to seeing the pictures! I saw Les Mes last wk- incredible, so powerful. Have you seen it yet?

  3. I'm new to the green smoothie, but I've been making a few recently and they are delicious. Looking forward to seeing the pictures!

  4. That's great that you're getting into green smoothies! BTW, cute blog you have. :)

  5. Katherine - I did see it, and loved it! The sets were so beautiful, and all the actors were so talented!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for commenting :)