
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Strawberry Spinach Smoothie

There's a lot to pack into this post so hang tight! :-) 

Several green smoothie challengers are blogging about their experiences, check 'em out!
{If you're blogging about the challenge - send me the post link so I can share it with everyone! 

I want to hear what you are loving most about this challenge, the hard parts, what recipes you're using, thoughts and everything in between. :-) } 

Vacation is obviously over and this week is totally about getting back into the swing of things. :) Since Tuesday was "the 1st" - I decided to take it literally and tried a "new" food. This was an organic baby kale chicken sandwich on wheat bread. :) Tell me, have you ever treated baby kale like salad lettuce?

So, my T2i Cannon camera was out of commission for several days because I left my charger at an event. It felt like forever until I could go back and get it! Hence all the iPhone pics. :P I have to admit, I love the convenience of the iPhone but there's something I really love about my T2i. :) 

Dinner last night was chicken tortilla soup. Delish as aways, Ms. L!

For Day 3 of 7 for the Green Smoothie Challenge, I made a new recipe!!! A delicious strawberry spinach smoothie - check it out! Have you had a green smoothie today? Are you finding any tasty recipes? 

Strawberry Spinach Smoothie Recipe:
1.5 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk
3 handfuls spinach
1 cup frozen strawberry slices
1/2 - 2 Tbsps honey
1 cup ice

Blend and enjoy!

{Recipe inspiration:}

My workout this morning was on top of soreness from yesterday. :) I need to come up with a running plan for this year. Any suggestions?

Last day to sign-up for the Amazing Meal giveaway so hurry while time lasts!  Tomorrow is Fresh Friday - I hope you all will link-up for the fun. :) See you then!


  1. Bob and I are going strong--and loving this challenge! I posted a few recipe ideas today:

  2. @ Michelle - I'm going to have to try your recipes. :) They look great! So glad you & Bob are enjoying the challenge!

  3. Hi Katherine,

    the green smoothies appeal more and more to me, I already posted my second recipe ;-)

    Your strawberry-spinach-combination is planned for Saturday mornin, sounds good.


  4. @ Sarah - that's great to hear! Yum, I'm coming to your house for breakfast. :)

  5. I have been a complete failure at this challenge so far! :( Todays smoothie sounds great! I am going to buy some fresh spinach so that I can make it and jump in!


  6. @ Sally - no worries, girlfriend! Let me know how you like it :)

  7. So I finally started today! Was still on holiday on the 1st then came home to closed grocery stores, but I'm on my way now! Will put a post together for tomorrow.

  8. That's fine, Kels! Just glad you're doing this. :) Looking forward to your post!


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