
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday's Smoothie {Mango Banana Green Smoothie: Day 6 of 7}

It's Day 6 of 7 for the Green Smoothie Challenge! How's it coming for you guys?

As a note to my other readers who aren't directly participating, don't feel like you have to "do the challenge" to join in on the discussion. :) We need people to cheer us on so thanks for being our support system! Your job is important and we couldn't do it without you.

Plus, just the fact that you're enjoying reading this and getting exposed to the idea of a nutritious & delicious green drink is a step forward! Most of the time- we have to see and hear about something several times before we'll actually give it a try. :) 

I'll be hosting another easy 7 day green smoothie challenge in the future. Just SUBSCRIBE here so you can get the 'heads up' as to when the next challenge will be running. :) 

Now, onto the latest concoction! 

Mango Banana Green Smoothie 

(Gluten-free, Vegan + Refined Sugar-free!) 
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice)
  • 1 organic banana, preferably frozen
  • 3/4 cup frozen mango
  • 2 handfuls spinach
  • 1 handful ice (if your banana isn't frozen)
{Recipe adapted from: Tasty Yummies}

Mangos are full of antioxidants, and are a great source of vitamin C & fiber! Did you drink your greens today? :-) 

Tomorrow is the final day of the challenge! Participants: send me your green smoothie pictures so you can be included in the final celebratory collage! 


  1. Mango and Banana sounds like a fabulous combination! I did apple and cherries the other day, and it was amazing! :)

    -Michelle @ Eat Move Balance

  2. Hi Katherine,

    that's funny, I just finished to write a blogpost for tomorrow about a green smoothie with spinach, mango and banana when I read that.
    I need to try out the smoothie with frozen fruits soon, sounds like a good idea. Oh, and I prepared a smoothie with some strawberries yesterday, like in your last post. That tasted good, but the colour turned into something that reminds me of mud - so no pic of that ;-)
    As you can see, I am already totally into smoothie making, as much as I am talking about it ...


  3. I posted twice this week about my progress in the challenge and have a recap post going up tomorrow with links to recipes and the such. Feel free to steal pictures off of the posts that are up already - I don't find myself posting many pictures of the smoothies because they don't often end up a pretty green color... more often than not they're brownish and who wants to look at that!? ;)

  4. Sounds delicious and refreshing :) I had a smoothie today, just my usual, which contained spinach, a banana and almond milk. Simple but lovely! I want to start experimenting soon though, so thanks for the ideas x

  5. That is such a pretty color green. I bought a big bunch of spinach today to whip up green smoothies all week!


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