
Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7 of 7: Green Smoothie Challenge

Photo credits:
1, 2, 3, 4
46, 7, 8
9, 10, 11, 12
13, 14, 15, 16

Congrats, challengers it's Day 7 of 7! A "great job!" to each and everyone of you. :-) Wasn't it a blast?!

As promised - here is the collage from the participants. :)  {This is by no means everyone, but definitely includes the links sent to me and a few more :0 } 

I had SO much fun hosting this challenge and I'm really proud of all of you. Seeing the pictures of your green smoothie 'experiments' and reading your blog posts is inspirational, to say the least!

Yesterday was my little brother Sam's birthday! Quesadillas & homemade peanut butter chocolate chip cookies made up the party food. :-)

The sermon at church yesterday hit home, for me! I came away with a lot, but this was especially refreshing: "We don't come to God because we're good, we come to God because we need grace." I really feel the truth of this at the moment. What do you think about this? 

Dinner was with sweet friends last night!

It's plain awesome to have those people in your life that you can laugh with until my stomach hurts, isn't it? Tim Hawkins and Brian Reegan were subject topics . . . enough said. :P Oooh, and then us girls had a lil' fun with an old fashioned Rogers and Hammerstein record. Hence, the picture. :)

This morning I fit in an invigorating workout - 2 mile run, 20 min DVD + stretching.  And, then here is my last green smoothie of the challenge! Did you drink one today?

Lunch was Chipotle! I hadn't been in forever- a real treat. :)

I snapped this picture as the sun was coming up this morning- struck by it's beauty. Just thinking about this gift is an incredible thought!

I don't do anything to make the sun rise but yet it does - everyday. How many things in life are like this? We experience the benefit/blessing of so many things that we never invested in, like a sunrise. I think wealth is a state of mind, a heart issue, which has absolutely nothing to do with stuff or money. {Now, I'm thinking . . . "I've got the sun in the morning and the moon at night" . . . }  

I thought this frosted crusted leaf was exceptionally pretty. Don't you just love the "crunch" of the ground after a frost? :) 

So with that: How's your first Monday of 2013 coming off? Last day to enter the Sun Warrior protein powder giveaway!

Also, if you are a green smoothie challenger - I want to know what parts were the best and hardest for you. :) Do tell! 


  1. I recapped the week long challenge on my blog this morning - take a peek!

    Thanks for organizing it, I had a lot of fun :)

  2. Yay! Another great challenge has flown by. Thanks again for doing this! I had so much fun :)

    xo Andrea

  3. I have a small recap going up later today. We LOVED the challenge, and are actually bummed it's over. But we're also back to work full-time now, so it would be harder anyways. They are so tasty, and and easy way to get extra nutrients and good-for-you foods into your daily routine. Love them!

    Michelle @ Eat Move Balance

  4. @ Sara - I will definitely check it out! Can't wait to see. :)

    @ Andrea - I know, wasn't it so?! Loved all your posts!

    @ Michelle - So glad you and Bob had a great time! We'll have to do it again!

    BTW, awesome posts everyone - y'all are the bomb!

  5. Thanks for the shout-out, and for the smoothie inspiration! It's so nice to reach the end of the day and think, "Woah, I really got a lot of vegetables in!"

  6. Your smoothies look great :)I will be looking back over these for smoothie inspiration. I made a simple one myself (as in, very basic!) tonight and there are photos (again, very basic!) on my blog page.


  7. Yum, Chipotle! And I LOVE Oklahoma! One of my favorite musicals + I was in the chorus in high school. Haha!
    I have truly enjoyed reading along the green smoothie challenge. I didn't get to it everyday and I used blueberries in mine, so most of mine were blue, hence the lack of posting + pictures. Whoops!

  8. This was so fun I loved watching each day to see how the challenge was going. BTW recieved your package last night from my win! Thank you so much can't wait to try the PB cups!
    Your friend

  9. Congrats on completing the challenge! I'll have to go back and read all about it :)

  10. @ Ash - thanks, girl! Ooh, I'm so excited - let me know how you like it :0

    @ Alison - thanks so much, Alison! Would love for you to join us next time :)

  11. Hi Katherine,

    My posting timeline didn't fall within the 7-day green smoothie challenge dates, but wanted to let you know I did post a green smoothie on my blog. Just click on my name and then over to my blog if you'd like to check it out!

    Best wishes,


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