
Friday, February 22, 2013

Fresh Friday Link-Up Party

I'm so happy it's almost the wk/end, arent' you?! 

Here are my top 3 for today's Fresh Friday. :) 

#1 - cute brown leather boots (did I mention? i got them for a steal!)
#2 - spinach salads. yes, they're my favorite!
#3 - gorgeous weather this wk! 

Tell me your's!

And, we have a winner for the Equal Exchange Geobars! Congrats to Katheryn M. :-)

Have a FRESH & FANTASTIC wk/end everyone!!!!!!! Any fun plans on the horizon? 


  1. Seriously, those boots are the cutest things ever and I SO need a pair to wear with my skinny jeans (when that day comes... it's on my dream list to wear cute boots with skinny jeans!)

    My top 3's:
    1. The awesome snow storm we had yesterday! 11" of snow rocked my world... I LOVE SNOW!
    2. Clear roads that will lead me to ZUMBA tonight!
    3. Instagram. 'nuff said.


  2. Love your 3 for the wk, Chrissy!!!! Awesome job on your goals. :)

  3. Mmm spinach and strawberry salad with balsamic dressing is one of my favourites!

  4. Everyone has lovely brown leather boots now! I feel like I'm the only one without.

    7% Solution​

  5. My three for the week are:

    #1 Tried a group fitness class I'd never tried before and had a KILLER workout. (The class was Group Kick.)

    #2 Managed a full week without diet soda and feel great because of it.

    #3 Worked out with two of my sons in preparation for a fun run at their school in a couple weeks. Fun!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for commenting :)