
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Healthy Eats & Wk/end Anticipation

{photo credit: kathy}

I'm planning to make these vegan cupcakes this weekend! Two of my siblings have birthdays this month so a celebration is in order and we're throwing a shing-ding with friends, fun and fantastic food. :) I'll report back so stay tuned. 

Until then . . . here are a few recent everyday eats from the wk: 

Do you like talapia? I find it's great because it's mild in favor creating a lot of freedom to be unique with your seasonings!

This is just a bed of organic spinach, 1 talapia fillet, topped with coconut fried finely chopped red onion and sliced bell pepper. Simple and healthy!

Greens Plus protein bar and salad for lunch at the office yesterday. :) What are your quicky packed, go-to lunches? 

Soup and sandwich for supper, anyone? :)

I seasoned this baked chicken with black pepper, cumin, onion powder and olive oil! Pleasantly surprised at how it turned out because I just kind of threw it all together. :p

Ooh - and serve with a side of roasted sweet potato fries for best results. :)

3.5 mile this morning- felt great! And, yes . . . in case you're wondering - I like to listen to Joyce Meyers or some other inspirational message while I run. :) I'm slowly chewing on her "Never Give Up" book right now and it's awesome! 

What makes it even nicer is that I found it off the Bargain Priced shelf at Barnes and Nobel. Whoo-hoo.!!!!!! 

Fresh Friday is tomorrow so be sure to check back and join in on the fun! Hope to see you all in the comments with reports of your latest healthy eats and workouts. :) Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I just found your blog! I am loving it so far. I am looking forward to reading more and seeing more recipes! :)

  2. Soup and salad sounds ridiculously good now!

    Thanks so much for stopping by! Following you now :) Hope you'll pop in for our find + follow friday hop this week! Love to have you!


  3. hey girl! of course i will follow your beautiful blog!

    thanks for stopping by mine :)

    gonna enter your awesome giveaway too while im at it <3

    The DayLee Journal

  4. that salad LOOKS and sounds FABULOUS right now. I think because it is in that pretty clear bowl it just looks refreshing!!

  5. Those brownies look incredible!! So does that samich I LOVE sprouts

  6. Ooh, all these certainly look good! Very glad to have discovered your yummy blog :)

  7. First time to visit your blog. Lovely blog i would like to come back again.

  8. those cupcakes looks AMAAAZZINNNNG!!

    Excited to be following along


  9. All that food looks amazing - making me hungry!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

    The Hartungs Blog


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