
Monday, February 18, 2013


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Equal Exchange Geobar giveaway is being re-run! Winner will be selected this Fri (Feb 22) I attempted it last week during the Valentine's Day giveaway but for some reason the widget was in total rebellion. :p So, you get the fun now. :)

3 reasons i like Equal Exchange Geobars:

#1 - relatively low calorie (120) packaged snack without artificial sweeteners

#2 - the cinnamon version is my favorite, so far :)

#3 - Equal Exchange supports small farmers

Protein packed breakfast after a workout this morning! It was supposed to be a omelet, but it flopped so I just scrambled it all up. :p 

Homemade roast beef sandwiches with guacamole are the best. Just saying, . . . :) 

Friday night I went out to a concert with my sister and we topped off the night at Cold Stone. {oh. my word. the cookie dough is out of this world!} I'll let you in on a little secret! Don't want to pay the high price? (in my opinion it's worth it, but I always like a deal!) Just think ahead a bit and print off this sweet little coupon from

Hope your week is off to a great start! What "healthy" indulgences did you experience over the weekend? 


  1. My favorite food on the go is usually some nuts. Preferably cashews. : )

  2. Awesome blog sweetie! Thanks for the follow, just followed back :-D

    xoxo Pakize (Keke)

  3. My favorite food on the go is a protein bar!

  4. Looks healthy and two favorite things in food!:-)Thanks for the follow...following you back! Have a wonderful week! ;-)

    Michell @Prowess and Pearls

  5. My favorite foods on the go would have to be Clif bars

  6. that sandwich looks AMAZING!!!
    want to come make lunch for me today!? LoL

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Now following you via email ( so i will get a notification when you add a post :-) )

  7. These bars sound delicious, healthy, and socially conscious! Win, win, and win. And thanks for the Cold Stone coupon, yay!

  8. Those are some good sounding meals! I don't have the patience to put together anything like that. I just fix up oatmeal, throw some veggies and fruits into my lunch, and keep it simple.

  9. I have done the same thing with omelets! I mess them up so make the best of it by turning it into scrambled eggs and nobody is the wiser :)

  10. Great giveaway! Favorite food on the go? Trail mix! Current fave from Trader Joe's has peanuts, banana chips, dried cherries and cocoa nibs!

  11. My favorite food on the go is raw almonds! I am a nursing student and I keep a little tupperware container in my scrub pockets. I'm actually known as the almond girl :)

    But people always gladly ask if I have them when they are starving and miss their lunch break. Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Favorite food on the go would have to be either an apple or a granola bar. Never know when you need a pick me up!

  13. My favorite food on the go is Almonds. Sometimes naked (the almonds... ha ha!!) and sometimes with a little sea salt!

  14. I pack my snacks per serving so I can bring them on the go. My favorite right now are honey wheat twisted pretzels! :)



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