
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Finding Your Passion

How was your day? Mine was amazing!

Nothing compares to doing something you love and seeing it make a positive difference in a person's life! I really wish I could do this for a job and get paid for it. :p More on this later . . . :)

Celery sticks with raw almond butter and raisins or "ants on a log" (as most of us probably know them!) make a great snack. 

I learned something new! Not all healthy nut butters are raw. Oops! Who would have thought? I guess it just never occurred to me to check before!
Thursday is piano day, for me, so I was up to that for part of the day! I recently started Mozart's Sonata in C major. It's a pretty familiar tune so I'm sure you'd recognize it if you heard it. :) I both love and hate trills all in one! Once you get the fingering, the scales are really fun!

Care for a banana sweetened smoothie for breakfast? It was yummy! Did you "go healthy" for breakfast this morning?

I got the new Clinique chubby stick for eyes yesterday!!!! Love it so far. :) I'm not really into healthy make-up yet; girls- if you have any tips I'm certainly open! {Oooh, this is scary. I think I love purple a little too much. Purple eyes, purple nails, purple handbag . . . hehe!}

Workout this morning was an easy 2.1 mile run. I woke-up this morning and my gluteus maximus were screaming the language of "give me a rest"! So I listened. :p I love how incredible a stretching session feels when you're good and sore! 

The weather is looking more and more like spring! Only 2 wks until it's officially here!!! Who else is ready for warm spring?!
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Have you found your life passion yet? :) 

Did you workout today? 
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Link-up tomorrow for Fresh Friday!


  1. I HAVE found my passion! Teaching Pilates. It is so great to help people be their healthiest. I literally get to watch peoples bodies transform! I didn't find Pilates as a career until I was 28. There is alway time :)
    I DID workout today. A lot.
    45 minutes Pilates Mat
    2 mile interval run
    60 minutes of Yoga

  2. You always amaze me, girl. Honestly!

  3. My passion is inspiring others to be healthy and fit and writing. One day I hope to be able to do both and make a living from both!

    My workout included a 1 mile walk and then cardio recovery with Insanity today. So mostly stretches and controlled excecises.

    Never tried those "ants on a log" ... now I must.

  4. Good run, even if it's only 2 miles!
    I am so ready for Spring!


  5. My passion is teaching aerobics and pilates. It brings me such joy to know I am sharing the gift of health and fitness with others!

  6. Purple is a great color to love!
    I just jumped back onto my treadmill yesterday for the first time in two months! it's hard starting back up again but totally worth it!!

  7. Ants on a log is my favorite childhood and now grown up snack!! xolili


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