
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

7 Days Down - 7 to Go!

It's been one week since I started my raw trek! You guys are totally awesome and so supportive- thank you!!! I just had to laugh, though, when some asked me if I was finding enough to eat or was becoming peckish. hehe! Well, to tell the truth - it was slightly frustrating at first (so true!), but I think I'm in a groove now.

I really believe that it has a lot to do with perspective. If you're constantly thinking, "I can't have that" of course you're going to feel deprived! But, if you have specific goals and know WHY you're doing something it creates a drive that helps to stick it through.

Did you know they actually make raw desserts that you can buy?! These little guys (Laugh Giraffe Organics) are amazing - thanks Mom! 

Ok, so this next part - I have to share with you! I made this on Sunday for dinner and it was absolutely incredible and completely raw, too. :) 

You start by soaking 1 cup of raw cashews for at least 1 hr. This removes the protective covering the nut has (to keep it safe so it can grow) so your body can absorb the nutrients. 

The dressing is refreshingly delicious with a hint of lemon!  

Veggie mix:
spiralized zucchini noodles (click here on how to make - it's SO easy!)
4 large carrots, grated
sugar snap peas, cut into thirds (about 1 cup) 
baby tomatoes, halved (1-2 small plastic containers)
broccoli, tops of 1-2 crowns

Lemon sauce:
1 cup cashews, soaked
1/4 cup nutritional yeast 
agave, to taste (1-2 tsp)
1/3 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
3/4 cup water


Wash and prepare all your veggies and throw them in a bowl while you prepare the sauce. For the sauce, rinse and drain the cashews. Toss everything in a food processor or powerful blender. Mix well! Taste and perfect seasonings and then drizzle over your fresh vegetables. Let marinate for at least 10 minutes and then enjoy!

{Recipe credit goes to Choosing Raw}

Putting some aside for lunch the next day. :) That's the great thing about making a healthy dinner - you can just make a little extra and save the leftovers for lunch. Takes little to no additional time and you're good to go!

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Do you normally make extra to have leftovers for lunch?

What have you been eating for lunches this week?

What's one fresh food prep tip that you know I could use? :) 


  1. I think it is so great that you went raw to support your friend! Trying and learning about raw eating definitely helped me change my perspective of what "real food" is.
    The salad looks amazing!
    I have been lunching on avocado and spinach with tomatoes for lunch. I try to eat raw for breakfast and lunch and snacks each day.
    I can't think of any tips right now but will let you know if I think of any :)
    Don't forget to go to my blog to enter to win a Manduka workout towel. They are SO soft!

  2. Thanks, Sally! I'm definitely coming by for another visit soon - love your blog!!!! So thankful we're friends. :)

  3. Congrats on making it halfway through your raw eating goal! You are totally right about remembering why you are doing something and what you CAN have and not focusing on what you are giving up so much :)
    Great motivation here and that salad looks so fresh and yummy!

  4. OMG that looks so good. Definitely want to try this. Makes raw eating look so good!

    Yes I always try to make leftovers for lunch. It's very convenient.

    This week I have been on a 3 day green smoothie detox (day 3 thank goodness) so my lunch has been a green smoothie the last 3 days!

    Hmmmm a tip. Um er um. One I just found out: Scrub melons with a brush and running water, because bacteria can be transferred from the outside of the melon to the inside by a knife.

    Enjoy your next week & good luck :)

  5. Thanks for the encouragement, Robyn and Preshii!

    Whoa - I had no idea about the melons and bacteria. I will definitely be careful about that now!

    Great job on your green smoothie challenge, Preshii! That's so amazing and I know that takes a lot of focus and determination.

  6. Thanks for the comment on my weight loss fail this week. Love your blog & will be checking in regularly!

    I love how positive you are and taking a different outlook on things. Now I'm hungry for something yummy & healthy!

  7. Way to go making it halfway through your challenge! I think what you are doing is amazing. Going raw definitely takes a lot of prep work and dedication. You're a rockstar.

    I am a huge fan of making extras to have leftovers. Less work and more healthy food to go around!

  8. Going raw must take a LOT of dedication - kudos to you. And with food like this, it doesn't seem so bad. YUM!

  9. That salad looks delish. I could never eat only raw but I could eat that salad every day as a side dish.

  10. I'm also very happy to be your newest follower. Thanks for coming by my blog.

  11. So... this looks like the best thing I've seen all day. It sounds and looks SO GOOD.



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