
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Of Late . . .

Lunch yesterday with some of the sweetest, totally awesomest girls in the world. <3 each and everyone of these precious little dearies!!!

Do you have any of those friends where things "click" and you feel like you can just be yourself and talk about dreams/goals - even if they're craazzy? 

It was so beautiful outside yesterday evening that I just had to eat outside!!! Clearly a desperate case of "I can't stay inside" moment. :p What's the weather like where you are? 

Last night I was invited to a Mary Kay event! Total fun and I have to say when you get a bunch of women together that love make-up it's an experience that's unparalleled. I enjoyed it because I love people - but that's about it. lol!

Of course . . . what happens at a Mary Kay event stays at a Mary Kay event so I'll stop there. Want to know? Just go. :) FYI: it's not just make-up, but I guess that depends on the individual group, too. :p 

But, while we're on this topic of skin care I have to say I find myself inching away from these types of products. I love the people but I'm really not crazy about the ingredient list. 

Are you aware about what goes on your skin? 

This came in the mail!!!!!!!!!!! Yeaah - I *heart* Zig Ziglar. :) I like Tony Robbins, too, but he has such a foul mouth I can only listen to him for so long before I get annoyed but I do LOVE the energy!!!

Excited about this, though. :) 

I think this picture qualifies me as a green smoothie enthusiast, right? We're having the floors redone in our house so I had to make my breakfast in the garage this morning. 

Slightly complicated experience but was do-able. :p Celebrate those small steps of success. :) 

What are you eating for breakfasts these days? I know we all go through phases, so don't feel bad if it's not perfect. That's not the goal. The goal is progress! 

Beautiful walk downtown on my way to class yesterday afternoon! 

School. :) 

Learning to think ahead . . . I can't expect myself to eat healthy if I don't plan ahead. Packing lunches for work is one way that helps me stay on track with the healthy eating. How to you manage this? 

Ooh, yummy- just looking at this picture makes me want more! 

I made this delicious dessert Sunday night. :) It really tasted like "healthy" dip and dots to me- only better!!! 1-2 frozen  bananas, 1 tablespoon sunbutter (or any nut butter), 1 tablespoon raw cacao powder or cocoa powder. Mix together in a food processor and - yum, yum!


  1. I have a best friend just like that, I think you really need people in your life that relight the fire inside you and help you shine brighter :) also it's 5 degrees and frigid here in MN so i'm totally jealous of your outdoor pic

  2. Love Mark Driscoll!! And yes - packing lunches is most definitely key!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

    The Hartungs Blog

  3. I love using bananas in recipes! This looks yummy!

  4. Mark Driscoll is a great teacher - I'll have to check out that book! Hope you like it!

  5. the weather looks so nice in that picture!! and good friends are such a blessing!

  6. Very nice blog!
    Wanna follow each others on gfc and bloglovin? Let me know! kisse

  7. La amistad y la alimentaciĆ³n saludable van de la mano ...Felicitaciones,hugs,hugs.

  8. You are WAY too good at photography! You blow my mind I can't even decide what one is my fav. I am leaning towards the boot one tho!
    Love you girl happy friday!


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