
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Raw and Real

Juicing endeavors! 

Spinach salad w/ a boat load of juicy cherry tomatoes, red onion and sauerkraut for lunch on Friday. What did you have? 

Dinner was out Thursday evening. Eating out on a raw challenge isn't the easiest thing in the world, but I made it work! House salads typically come w/ lots of fresh veggies (just ask for no cheese and take off the croutons!) so they're a good choice. :) 

Packing healthy lunches for work isn't really that hard, but I admit it does take thinking ahead of time to succeed. It's like anything, right? In the end, it really comes down to our daily habits. 

And, these next two pictures were before Wed. So, no - cooked hasn't been on the menu of late. :p But, I still wanted to share because I thought the pictures turned out pretty. :) 

This was lentil soup (great source of fiber!). Everyone kept asking me how I made it and now I wish I could remember! I think it was the extra, extra garlic powder and basil seasoning, plus using a broth combination of chicken and vegetable. 

Mayo tomato sandwich with cucumber slices and hummus, anyone? I love how hydrating fresh veggies are!

My workout this morning was a 20 min dvd workout w/ weights and then I hit the treadmill for a 3.4 mile run. I'm really dying to get outside for a change - I'm pretty sure it makes me run faster when I'm not constantly staring at how fast I'm going. Physiological? I think so. :) 

It's been a productive Saturday for me! Hope your's has too!!!!!! Coming up on Monday - raw buckwheat porridge recipe!


  1. Your raw food actually looks really yummy, do you find it filling or are you quite peckish?
    Keep it up!

  2. I was just thinking I need to eat more fresh veggies starting from tomorrow, your post came so in handy :)

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  3. Totally agree that it is not easy eat raw all the time. I prefer a balance of all different food with different sources and different style of cooking.

  4. Looks great! Especially the cucumbers and hummus - one of my faves!

  5. What do you use to keep your apples looking fresh until you eat them? I like taking sliced apples to work to eat with peanut butter and yogurt dip.

  6. I always feel so much more prepared for the work day if I have all my food planned and portioned out in containers! Helps me make good choices. Oh and I love how your cucumbers are cut like little chips! so cute

  7. Hi, Janessa! I really don't do anything to my apples except try to buy the firm. You can squeeze some lemon juice on them if they're spoiling too quickly for you. :)


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