
Monday, March 4, 2013

A Breakfast of Buckwheat

This was my first experience with buckwheat and keeping it raw, at that!

Contrary to popular belief (and fooling people by it's name), buckwheat is not a grain -- it's a seed! As an interesting fact, buckwheat is one of the best foods you can eat for magnesium. Who needs magnesium? Apparently we all do! This seemingly insignificant mineral contributes to over 300 biochemical tasks in the body!!!

Ok, so let's jump right into the goodness and get to "cooking" although you actually won't need a stove or oven to make this delicious porridge. Nope, as crazy as it may sound - it is possible to make a bowl of porridge without cooking!

Take a look . . .

Recipe credit/inspiration goes to Angie! Thanks, girlfriend. :)

Raw Buckwheat Porridge
Yield: two 1-cup servings

1 cup raw buckwheat groats (soak for at least an hr, best if overnight)
3/4 cup vanilla almond milk
2 tbsp chia seeds
2 tablespoons agave (use the maple flavored, if possible!)
1/2 tsp organic vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon


1. Pour the raw buckwheat groats in a bowl with 2 cups of water. Let soak for a minimum of 1 hr or prep before bed to be ready for breakfast. Rinse the buckwheat well after soaking.

2. Blend soaked (and rinsed) buckwheat groats in food processor or blender, with almond milk, chia seeds and vanilla. Continue blending until smooth or preferred consistency. Add the sweetener and cinnamon to taste!

3. Scoop into a glass parfait dish or just use a plain ole cereal bowl - either with work! Add fresh toppings: almonds, fresh or frozen fruit, dried coconut, cranberries, etc. Just be creative and have fun with it!

***Store leftovers in the fridge for up to a couple of day***

Have you ever tried buckwheat? (had you even heard of it before now?! i know . . . it's kind of out there :p ) 

Do you have any experience with soaking nuts / grains / etc? (mine is miniscule but I'm learning!)  

What are your favorite oatmeal toppings? :) 


  1. luscioussss

    i need to try this.

    if you look in my archives i tried a buckwheat milk it was surprisingly warm and comforting in texture.

    Gonna keep reading your blog posts!

  2. Thanks, Amy! I'll have to check out the milk recipe. :)

  3. Your photos are beautiful! I love any type of nut butter on oatmeal. :)

  4. This looks delicious! I must try it!!

  5. Looks delish!

  6. I have never tried soaking buckwheat, but I will now!
    I have made chia seed "pudding" by soaking them overnight in almond milk.
    My favorite topping for oats or grains is mixing nut butter in if its warm. If cold, I love to add fresh berries.

  7. I used to make something similar, but it's been a long time. I guess I need to break out the buckwheat.

    Due to my high raw lifestyle, I have a lot of experience with soaking. I've driven my hubby craving with bowls of nuts, seeds, etc., especially when I'm making something that requires a lot of prep and ingredients.

    I haven't made oatmeal in a while, but I've always like fresh or dried fruit (did you know that it's good to soak dried fruit?), nuts, coconut flakes, cinnamon, nutmeg, chocolate shavings, and whatever else sounds good at the time.

  8. I have never tried buckwheat before, or rather know where I would be able to find it, but this porridge sounds good.

    I also wanted to say that I received my Geo Bars yesterday and they are amazing! So far I have tried the mixed berry and the chocolate raisin ones and they are great. I know that I will end up purchasing them in the future because of how great they are!

  9. I have never tried buckwheat before, or rather know where I would be able to find it, but this porridge sounds good.

    I also wanted to say that I received my Geo Bars yesterday and they are amazing! So far I have tried the mixed berry and the chocolate raisin ones and they are great. I know that I will end up purchasing them in the future because of how great they are!

  10. This raw buckwheat looks deliciously raw, Katherine! This porridge looks like my raw oatmeal that I made the other day.

    I will try to make this soon.


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