
Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Special Day

Today is a special day. My grandfather is 81! I'm so grateful for this man. He's taught me so much and been so involved in my life that I will never forget the impact he's made. My siblings and I are the 3rd generation of a family business he started. It's a privilege to be able to go to work, each and everyday, with him. 

{I snapped this picture of my sister with Pappy before leaving the office this afternoon}

Sometimes I look back at the pictures of our family life and think I live in a fairy tale. God's blessings are abundant and overwhelming. 

{My grandmother sent these birthday flowers to my Pappy today. Isn't that just so sweet?}

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I worked out this morning which felt so good after yesterday's break. I started with Insanity and stretching and then ran 1.5 miles in 13 minutes-- a record for me! Finally, I rounded off the workout with push-ups, bicep curls and overhead presses. 

{This was lunch-- lettuce leaves, broiler onions and tomato slices with my own blend of spices (garlic powder, salad dressing and mustard) with sliced bell pepper and a grape cluster on the side}

{The fresh fruits and vegetables made it so refreshing}

So, what did you have for lunch? Hope you're having a wonderful afternoon! 


  1. Oh, that is so sweet! I miss my grandfather, he is 96 years old and lives in Japan so I don't see him often. For lunch I had cauliflower, potato and leek soup, ginger pork and Japanese rice, a frittata made of peas, fava beans and artichokes and for dessert cooked apples (my mom cooked everything:) she is I will tell her to follow you too. Happy Easter!

  2. Hi sweetie,

    I have just discovered your blog! This is such a interesting blog! And i'm very enjoy read your post<3

    Wanna follow each other?

    Have a nice day!


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