
Friday, April 6, 2012

The Surprise Package Company

Surprises, surprises! It makes life exciting, don't you think? When I hosted the giveaway last week I was very excited, but this morning called for some ecstatic excitement!

A pretty little brown package arrived on my doorstep, and guess what was in it?! A collection of delightful Amazing Grass products! I am floored. This company is so generous and I know I'm going to enjoy these products with my family to the utmost!

It reminds me of when my sisters and I were little girls and would play "The Surprise Package Company" where we would do nice little things for people and leave a note signed with our mysterious name. It was so fun!

So here's what was in the box...

All different flavors of delicious green superfood energy bars!

The adorable Amazing Grass burlap bag. This will definitely come in handy! A great way to promote greens without saying a thing :) Speaking of which, it's on sale right now!

A lovely assortment of their Amazing Meal packets. Can't wait to try these!

They even sent stuff for the kidz and a nice little shaker to mix up all the drinks.

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My little sister, Mary, and I made coconut cookies together this morning for a party tonight. We also spent time chasing a bird. That's right, and it wasn't for fun either. When you have a list a mile long the last thing want to do is spend 30 minute chasing a bird out of your house. He finally flew out (poor thing, he was terrified and all we were trying to do was help him) and I looked at my sister and asked, "Why are you laughing?" She answered, it's either that or cry! She's the bomb. We do that often, laugh that is, and most of the time it's at the most inconvenient times (during a serious conversation or such, but that's another story...) or like today, just when you need it. 

Here's the recipe to these coconut cranberry cookies:

1 cup butter
1 1/2 cup sucanat
2 eggs
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups oats
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup coconut
1/2 cup cranberries

Cream butter, sugar and eggs. Add flour and salt. Mix together and then add baking soda. Stir in oat, chocolate chips and vanilla. Drop by tablespoons on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 7-15 minutes or until edges barely begin to brown. Do not over bake. Cool on wire rack.

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After a few months sabbatical from riding because of the cold the beautiful spring weather was calling me out to come and enjoy it. This was also my first ride since we got our new mare, see here. As you know riding with a mare is completely different than riding with just geldings. Ah, um... It was interesting to say the least!

Shibar, my Egyptian Arabian, did really well until I gave him the rein to run. Just when I thought we were going to break into a dead run across the pasture, you know the kind of run with nothing in front of you and the wind whipping your hair out straight that gives you the thrill of your life-- That's when it happened! I have never had my horse crow hop on me before but today was the day. When a horse starts bucking your instinct is to pull back on the reins but really the best thing is to loosen up and pull them into a tight one-rein stop. But, it turned out alright... Thankful I didn't get thrown and was able to quickly re-establish who's boss and even though he was being very bad I think he was really just showing off in front of the little mare :)

And as a fitness update, well, I am just so sore from yesterday's workout. It's that good kind of sore feeling though which is great :) I'm planning to run 4 miles tomorrow...  I hope you're enjoying the day!

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