
Friday, August 17, 2012

The Weekend's Here!

Oh boy! Vegan pizza - what a treat! The kitchen was a fun place to be this evening :) Everything here is homemade, including the sauce.

Here's the recipe to the dough, and for the sauce I sauteed a bit of freshly pressed garlic, added 2 cans of quality petite diced tomatoes, 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning, and a 1/2 teaspoon of oregano (anyone notice the Julia Child influence???) Simmer until thick, mashing the tomatoes with a fork. This will probably take about 25 minutes to get to the right consistency.

Mushrooms make a great meat substitute for any pizza. Just sautee them in a little olive oil and a shake of garlic salt to soften them up before you toss them on your pizza. Yum!

I'm lovin' summertime! Delicious green smoothies help keep me running :)

Since I had a piano lesson yesterday afternoon, I couldn't resist taking a picture from lunch with this beautiful Brahm's book!

Picking piano back up is helping me in so many ways beyond just improving skills. Becoming a student again (not they we ever stop) reminds me to be patient when I teach others. My teachers don't get frustrated with me, and although they put the pressure on me because they care about how far I go they don't get upset when it takes some work to get there. I'm learning, and enjoying the application process :-)

My Pappy took me and my little sister out for ice cream this afternoon. Ahh, heavenly . . .

My cup - peanut butter and chocolate are wonderful compliments :) Joie de vivre!

We had peaches on hand and I thought a peach cobbler would make a delicious dessert to top off last night's meal. I used the same recipe for this as I did the naturally sweetened blueberry cobbler because it's so good, except I used peaches :-)

I made some homemade ice cream too. It's so easy! Here's the recipe:

Freezer Bowl Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream  
2 cups almond milk
3/4 cup sugar in the raw, turbindo sugar
2 cups heavy cream
salt, pinch

Dissolve your sugar with a whisk in your milk and cream (don't skip this step - very important!). Add you sugar. Churn according to your ice cream maker's directions.

Today's lunch - a delicious Greek salad. It was so huge I couldn't finish it!

Yesterday I ran 3 miles. Thus far, I've logged 9.4 miles for this week. I know, a low number in the running world so tomorrow I'm looking forward to running some more to add a few more miles to that total number :-)

What weekend foods are you enjoying? Anyone making pizza? Or running?

1 comment:

  1. lovely photos! I'm digging the vegan pizza - looks like a tasty dinner idea.


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