
Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Wk's Workouts

Phew! What a great week. :) How was your's! Any good invigorating workouts or noteworthy nutritious eats?

Comment and tell me!
 Remember, perfection is NOT the goal - progress is. :)

Today's 4 miler was just a little bit faster pace than last Saturday's - makes me happy! :P Speaking of which, question for you runners out there. Have you experienced soreness just above your ankles? Sometimes it's like - ah, ouch! I really felt it today towards the end of my run this morning.

I think winter is such a great season to eat brown rice! Brown rice is a great place to get your B vitamins from (the energy vitamin!) and also a healthy way source of complex carbs. Not that I have problems getting in carbs. I mean, they seem to like me or somethin' and find their way on my plate without much effort . . . lol!

Friday night was late with a game of around the world ping ping. Have you done this? It's a blast although I'm terrible at it -  ha!!

Lunch was leftovers. :) I need to do a recipe post of this turnip/carrot/cabbage stew - so easy and absolutely delish!

I made a remake of Wed's lunch, but this time I warmed it under the broiler and added kidney beans for protein.

More hangin' out with friends this evening. Man - I love laughing!!! Don't you?! Just got back and I'm tired so to bed I head. See you Monday! Easy stew recipe to come. :)


  1. The wrap looks delicious :) And there's nothing better than a good laugh. I tend to laugh at things that I *shouldn't* laugh at, but it has the same effects, right?

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend Xx

  2. So I have had a pain above my ankle that later turned out to be a stress fracture. Not that that is what you have! But definitely keep an eye on it and rest it as much as you need to.

  3. I didn't do a great job running this week. I did something to my hip lifting on Monday, so I ended up in a funk the rest of the week. That said, I did a great circuit workout on Monday and then just kind of had to modify the rest of the week to deal with the pain in my hip. Congrats on some great workouts this week!

  4. I despise working out and have to force myself off the couch every day to go to the gym. I need more motivation. Great job on your week! And thanks so much for stopping by my blog :)

  5. @ Did I eat that - I can relate!!! Laughing at appropriate times isn't always my strong suit. :p

    Laura - great job on your circuit training! Take it easy. I can relate to that painful hip feeling . . .

    Hi, Sarah! he-he! We all can understand - I have those feelings, too. :p But, isn't it need how momentum builds?

  6. sometimes i get a light pain above my ankles... i changed socks (to thicker ones) and was better.. hopefully it's nothing serious and you can go back to running :)


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