
Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday Recap

Good morning, everyone- and happy Monday morning, at that!!! Did you do anything special for Easter Sunday yesterday? I did! 

Breakfast before church- still kind in the wake-up mode there. :p {Stay up waaay to late Saturday night- Allie, it is all your fault. hehe! you're the best, though!}

Rich chocolate almond milk along side breakfast. :)    

My mom has the most amazing style and her breakfast feasts are like works of art! Just hoping I inherited a bit of that artistic gene. :p 

Easter feast after church! 

My plate. :) 

Everyone was invited to grandma Mimi's after church service! I always love going to her house for dinner. We all stuffed ourselves, laughed and just plain had fun being together! 

Mimi baked the ham, out of this world butter beans, chicken and pastry (aah- seriously, peoples. you haven't had chicken and pastry until you've had hers!), and a knock your socks off completely from scratch carrot cake topped with frosty cream cheese icing. :-) 

Mom made a yummy raw cabbage salad, angel eggs (we refused to give the Devil credit for anything around here :p) and an "orange you glad to see me" green salad.

I contributed the cauliflower rice salad, carrot cake squares, and the below chocolate mint cheesecake. :p 

Care for a slice? I've been experimenting and this is the result! Recipe coming soon. :-)

3.24 mile run in the rain this morning! Yes- I was pretty wet by the end. :p

I hope your wk is off to a FANTASTIC start!

Please comment and let me know what your running/fitness goals are for the next 5 days + any or all delicious foods you heartily devoured yesterday!!!!!


  1. it seems u had fun during Easter :) and almond milk chocolate rocks!! Lots of good food and yes some exercise at the end!! Congrats!

  2. Wow, talk about a ton of food. All of it looks absolutely amazing.
    As for fitness goals, now that the weather is getting nicer here in the Midwest, I have been wanting to set a weekly goal of how many miles I run. Not sure where I want to start yet but I'm planning it.

  3. that food looks delish! great pictures.

  4. I love going for a run in the rain!
    Looking forward to your cheesecake recipe :)

    Training for a 1/2, knocked out an 8 miler this weekend (very necessary with all the food we inhaled!), and running a 10k this weekend.

    Making a lighter version of sweet and sour chicken tonight. Can't wait to taste it and see if it's as good as it sounds!


  6. We get the whole family together for Easter, too. Everyone brings a dish. There are definitely some main stays, but then there is me who likes to mix things up a bit. I tend to bring a salad and some raw treats. I've even brought a whole spread of raw versions of the usual traditional dishes. They were a hit.

    Your contributions look scrumptious, especially the chocolate one.


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