Happy summer, y'all! I miss blogging!
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Forever Since An Update!
Happy summer, y'all! I miss blogging!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Pre-Nursing Student
(CNA class in Raleigh last week... knocking out a pre-req requirement)
Shock-er! This girl is going back to school... for nursing! Haha, that's right- apparently everyone saw it coming but me. :p
Growing up, I had people tell me I'd make a great nurse to which I'd just laugh with an attitude that said, "Thanks but I don't think I could handle all those needles."
So, nursing did pass through my brain but I didn't seriously begin considering it until this past May.
I graduated The Institute of Integrative Nutrition in March (loved it!) which led me to a cross-road... Take on more health coaching clients while continuing to work on my degree OR possibly something else....
I love the health care field. It must be in my "blood", pun-intended. LOL So the desperate journey of "deciding" which track of health care got thrown up in the air this past May. I'd had been dead set on Registered Dietitian since last fall which seemed to fit perfectly with this last year of nutrition school!
"No-- I am not switching tracks, God. I've got this covered!" said the fearful of the future me.
The decision process for nursing has been one of the most stressful and exciting things I've ever done in my life! I bought books on nursing, watched videos online, talked to dozens (literally!) of people who ares nurses themselves, researched schools, went and toured one of the top nursing programs in the state at MU, tried to talked myself about of it, and prayed.
That's right, this process wasn't a crystal-clear decision I felt like I supposed to make, or maybe it was--- because I had such a hard time with it and couldn't shake off "feeling" that kept telling me I should consider the possibility.
I wrestled with this idea, like I often do when God is telling me he has something better for me than my own plans that are neatly laid out in my head. "No, God- I've been working towards becoming a Registered Dietitian this whole last year. You know I love food and the nutrients inside crazy things like bananas and walnuts-- hey! I just finished up a year long nutrition certification! Plus you didn't make me to be a quitter so I'm going to finish. I'm getting my BS in Food and Nutrition from University of Alabama and then applying for my internship, going to help lots of people and really love this job. I've done all the research. I'm good. But, thanks God!"
I didn't say those exact words, but with my "I've got this all figured out" attitude I think that's what I communicated which didn't leave me open to God's direction for a possible better fit for my life, gifts and what He wants me to do.
God tapped me on the shoulder, and led me through experiences until I was at the "Ok, Jesus- if you'll help me" moment.
Switching tracks, and taking the mental steps to gear up for nursing school has been extremely hard for me. Taking the mental steps to gear up for nursing school and realizing I may not have a life for the next 2-3 years scares me to death.
But, I'm not doing this in my own strength. Annnnd-- I have incredible friends and family that are supporting me!
So, this summer I've literally spent days just standing in line once I picked my school getting things in order! Haha, but all registered and good to go-- classes started on Monday. :)
Let's do this.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Peppermint Patties - The Real Deal {Tropical Traditions Giveaway}
Seriously, guys- these are. to. dye. for.
I whipped these together by recommended ingredients from a friend. It's just coconut oil, honey, and peppermint essential oil. Seriously- how much easier (and, delicious!) can it get?!
No measurements, sorry! I just can't seem to make anything good theses day if I measure!!!
So, just eye ball it and make sure you put more coconut oil than anything, use your taste buds and you'll be fine. :P
How would you like a chance to win a free quality ingredient (coconut oil!!!) to make your own batch of these delectable babies? :)
Tropical Traditions is sponsoring some healthy fun! Below is what they requested I copy/paste, and share with you & then you can enter the giveaway at the bottom of this post. :)
Winner will be selected Wednesday. February 26!!!
Good luck!
Tropical Traditions is America’s source for coconut oil. Their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is hand crafted in small batches by family producers, and it is the highest quality coconut oil they offer. You can read more about how virgin coconut oil is different from other coconut oils on their website: What is Virgin Coconut Oil?
Tropical Traditions also carries other varieties of affordable high quality coconut oil. Visit their website to check on current sales, to learn about the many uses of coconut oil, and to read about all the advantages of buying coconut oil online. Since the FDA does not want us to discuss the health benefits of coconut oil on a page where it is being sold or given away, here is the best website to read about the health benefits of coconut oil.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.

Saturday, February 15, 2014
I {Heart} Running!
I'm sssoooooo excited!!! Seriously, did I *just* run 8 miles?!
Not me....
Yes, me!!!
I'm incredibly surprised at how amazing and GOOD that felt!!!
Thanks for the support peoples, I'm never run this far (or long) in my entire life so it was definitely a mile stone/marker. My brain is now opening up to the possibility, and realization that a 1/2 marathon *can* be in my near future. :)
On the training plan for next Saturday is a 10-miler.... comment and let me know your helps! :)
Enjoy your wk/end, and let me know if you're getting in your runs!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014
Blog Change.... Yet Again!
Yay! I'm sure your digging it right about now.... another blog change!!! lol!
Hmm- I might have a thing going for change. :P (check out this post from August 2013) what do you think?
Have fun, and let me know your thoughts!
Ok, so I like this layout a lot better because it's cleaner, a lot simpler, and I'm a total less-mess wannabe. Ya know?!
I agree... the polka dots are probably *way* cuter, but black & white were just calling my name!
Old "About Blog" page....
To this!
New Year 2014 has me all ready to throw out the junk, and start afresh! My personal closet is soon to feel the effects of this mindset. :/
See ya later, gator!

Thursday, January 2, 2014
Green Smoothie Strong :)
So, this morning- when my alarm went off.... my body screamed that "5 more minutes" kind of feeling. Thankfully, my mind made the right decision. :p
I need to stop pretending I'm on vacation, and go to bed at a reasonable hour! lol! Does anyone else have issues getting back into their normal / work routine?
Yesterday, I started 2014 off with a workout and some good ole fashioned stretching. Stretching is definitely on my list for this new year! I can't run as much (or get injured more easily) when I'm not in a regular routine. Plus, I just loooove how I feel all loose and limber with consistency- don't you? :)
Click here to see some of my favorite routines!
I'm not hosting the annual green smoothie challenge (at the moment) simply b/c I've got a lot of school, and work to tick off my list..... but, enjoy THIS post (one of my favs!) and look forward to future days! We can always fly solo, or grab a friend/partner to do it with us until the next Wild 'n Green e-World Party!
Happy almost end-of-the-week, peoples!

Thursday, November 28, 2013
Turkey Day!
Happy Thanksgiving!
The plate. No.... I didn't eat all of this- had to save room for dessert. ;p
My beautiful sister (Mary) made this "not from this planet" CHOCOLATE pecan pie!
It's not secret- I love my family.
I'm sure I'm biased --- but I'm pretty convinced my grandmothers make the best food in the world! This is my grandma Mimi's famous homemade apple cake.
Ok, so I thought it would be fun to list a few things I'm specifically grateful for this year! Join me in the comment section!
#1 - my relationship with Jesus. He is my everything, without I am nothing.
#2 - a warm, comfy bed. yes- I seriously *heart* my bed.
#3 - school, and credits.
#4 - possessing a curious nature. some times.... it does get me into trouble!
#5 - real friends who call me out on things and love me through the good and the bad
#6 - Proverbs 18:21 - this verse has changed my life. I believe in the power of the spoken blessing, and that complaining only makes things worse. If I want to change something, I have to speak life, show up and do the work.
#7 - vision. and thinking about my 5 yr plan!
#8 - helping people get well. i believe God created me to help people heal.
#9 - music. it makes my heart soar!
#10 - my camera :)
and, of course--- MY FAMILY!!!

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